Tunisia supports the Inclusion of Vulnerable Communities

The IDMEJ project, in collaboration with Humanity & Inclusion (better known as Handicap International), aims to empower and protect victims of gender-based violence and people with disabilities in Tunisia, allowing them to exercise their rights by promoting social and institutional reforms that promote their inclusion.

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The project's objectives :

• To improve the journey of victims of GBV, ensure universal access to rights and strengthen support services.
• Improve access to social protection systems for people with disabilities by deploying identification systems, effective and inclusive registration, and monitoring in accordance with international best practices.
• Through GBV prevention, awareness raising, and advocacy, promote a protective and inclusive legal environment and framework for GBV survivors and persons with disabilities.

TAMSS activities under the IDMEJ program: 

• Contribute to the long-term viability of 23 selected centres for women victims of violence (FVV) and victims of gender-based violence (GBV) in general
• Enhance the National Observatory for the Prevention of Violence Against Women (NOPVW) to provide and maintain comprehensive data required for advocacy, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of interventions
• Popularise GBV case management protocols in order to promote a comprehensive and well-coordinated response to GBV among Ministry entities, basic services, and frontline support actors across the 24 governorates
• Create legal aid for victims of GBV
• Advocacy campaigns for the incorporation of the Regional Commission for the Fight Against Violence's regulations 
• Encourage civil society organisations to conduct regional awareness campaigns
• Engage and train 40 local ambassadors, such as opinion leaders, religious leaders, and journalists, to raise awareness about gender and disability stereotypes
• Conduct large-scale awareness campaigns about women's and people with disabilities' rights, as well as the protections provided by anti-discrimination laws



Fichier 21080

9, rue des Pommes El Manar 2092 Tunis, Tunisie.

71 885 344

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