The Project « Virage, from woman victim of violence to woman actress of change », aims to set up a sustainable model of intervention with women victims of violence in Kairouan, Tunis, Manouba, Ariana and Ben Arous to guarantee safety, health and well-being for them and their children.

number of placements
profiling carried out
number of micro-projects carried out
number of POCs who received training
Strengthen governmental institutions and the various services providers to ensure a better effectiveness of provided services in the prevention and support of woman victim of violence and / or vulnerable in the areas of Tunis, Manouba, Ariana, Ben Arous and Kairouan
Support the creation and functioning of listening centers in Tunis and Kairouan and create a Shelter in Kairouan thanks to the expertise, skills and TAMSS’ network and to the transfer of knowledge
Ensure security, health, justice and well-being to the beneficiaries
Faciliter l’inclusion économique et sociale des femmes vulnérables à travers la mise en place de services durables de protection, de suivi, d’orientation et d’insertion professionnelle dans le Grand Tunis et à Kairouan
Services Provided
Assistance to women victims of violence: Reception and active listening. Psychological, social, medical and legal care by promoting access to justice. Temporary accommodation. Socio-economic reintegration by: Technical training Managerial trainings Sensitization: Workshops Conferences. Celebrating National and International Days on Violence Against Women
Our outcomes
550 woman victim of violence received
550 woman victim of violence listened
380 woman victim of violence who benefited social follow-up
350 woman victim of violence who benefited psychological help
23 woman victim of violence receiving medical follow-up
137 woman victim of violence who benefited legal follow-up
16 woman victim of violence who benefited judicial follow-up
12 women Hosted
732 Number of woman victim of violence sensitized